понеділок, 6 квітня 2020 р.

Завдання з англійської мови для учнів 7 класу

06.04 впр.2 стр. 93 (читати і відповідати на запитання)

10.04 стр.96-97 (читати, перекладати і скласти таке про себе) 

13.04 стр.104 (текст читати і зробити до нього завдання А)

17.04  1.    Make up the word – combinations:
1)    Independence                  a) Lavra
2)    Mariyinskiy                        b)Church
3)    St. Andrew`s                      c) Square
4)    The Kyiv- Pecherska         d) Palace
5)    Khreshchatyk                    e) Gate
6)    St. Sophia`s                        f) Street
7)    The Golden                        g) Cathedral

12.  Write the words in the correct order to make sentences:
1)    famous\ is\ Kyiv\ its\ parks\ for\ attractive.
2)    year\ visit\ Kyiv\ people\ every\   system\A lot of.
3)    Has\ transport\ city\ well- developed\ The\ a\ system.
4)    Are\ many\ galleries\ Kyiv\ in\ art\There.
5)    proud\ capital\ Ukrainians\ of\ are\ there.

3. Complete the sentences:
1.     The country you  were born in is …
2.     People who live in Ukraine are …
3.     …. is the capital of Ukraine.
4.     Ukraine is an …   state.
5.     Kyiv is one of the … cities in Europe.
6.     The Dnipro is the … river in Ukraine.

       24.04  The Present Simple Tense  https://puzzle-english.com/directory/present-simple 
(опрацьовуємо правила і робимо завдання)
1.      Поставити дієслова у дужках у теперішньому простому часі відповідно до особи.
1)      I _______ at school now (be).
2)      These children ________ in the yard (be).
3)      My sister ________ playing tennis (play).
4)      A daughter _________ at the university (study).
5)      The pupils of our school ________ part in this competition (take).
6)      He _______ me a book (give).
7)      His brother often_________ a lot of magazines (carry).
8)      I _________ watching TV every evening (like).
9)      They always ____________ TV in the morning (watch).
10)  She usually _________ a coat and mittens in winter (dress).
11)  We _______ schoolchildren (be).
12)  They usually __________ five or six lessons every day (have).
13)  Tommy ________ a lot of relatives (have).
14)  He often _______ to school on foot (go).
15)  I always ______ my home task in the evening (do).
16)  Their son ________ his home task (do).
2.      Перетворити наступні речення у множину.
1)      She plays tennis every Saturday.
2)      My sister often learns poems for her English.
3)      This boy studies at the university.
4)      I am at school now.
5)      A daughter reads the book in her room.
6)      A pupil writes a letter.
7)      A child always cries in the morning.
8)      A tooth is white.
9)      A woman dresses a blue shirt.
10)  A book is very interesting.
11)  The phone rings very loud.
12)  I sing a song.
3.      Перетворити речення в однину.
1)      The girls sing songs.
2)      My brothers repair my bike.
3)      Children are atho9me now.
4)      The books are boring.
5)      They watch TV in the afternoon.
6)      Her friends speak English.
7)      The pupils have seven lessons every day.
8)      These candies are very tasty.
9)      Holidays are funny.
10)  We like movies.
11)  The women stay at the hotel.
12)  Geese live on the farm.

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