понеділок, 6 квітня 2020 р.

Завдання з англійської мови для учнів 8 класу


08.04 Ознайомитись з текстом про Україну  

Ukraine  is  a  sovereign  state. It  has  it’s  own  territory, government, national  emblem, anthem  and  state  flag.   The National Flag of Ukraine is blue and yellow. The blue colour stands for the clear blue sky and the yellow colour stands for the golden wheat field. The Ukrainian Anthem is the song by Pavlo Chubynsky and Mykhailo Verbytsky. 
          Ukraine  is  situated  in  the  centre  of  Europe. The  population  is  more  than  39  million. The territory of Ukraine is 603,628 km2. The  main  river  is  the Dnipro.
Ukraine was a part of Kyiv Rus, an ancient state.
          Kyiv is  the  capital  of  Ukraine. It is very beautiful. The  main  street  of  the  capital  is  Khreshchatyk. The national language is Ukrainian, the people are Ukrainians. They are talented, friendly and hardworking. The Ukrainians live in small towns and big cities, in the villages. They are proud of their country.

Дайте відповіді на запитання (Правда чи ні) (True or False)
-         Kyiv  is  situated  on  the    banks  of  the  river  Dniprо.  
-         Ukraine is situated in the centre of Asia. 
-         The  symbol of  Kyiv  is Chestnut  tree.  
-         The  population  of  Ukraine  is  52  million.  
-         The  people  of  Ukraine  are  proud  of  their  capital.  
-         The  main  river  of  Ukraine  is  the  Dniester.  
-         Ukraine  is  washed  by  the  Irish  Sea.  
-         Khreshchatyk  is  the  main  street in Kyiv.  
-         Our  country  is  a  nice  place  to  live  and  to  travel  in. 

13.04 GОзнайомитись з відео https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HMpmRc3wP0
виконати тести 
1.     Ukraine is a large … country.
a)     European;
b)    Asian;
c)     African.
      2. The population of Ukraine is ….
a) more  than  45 million people;
b) more than 58;
c) less than 4 million .
       3. There are … in the South of Ukraine.
            a) 4 seas;
            b) 2 seas;
            c) 3 seas.
        4. What is the highest peak of the Carpathian Mountains?
            a) Hoverla ;
            b) Everest ;
            c) Aconcagua.
       5 . What is the deepest lake in Ukraine?
a)     Lake Baikal ;

b)    Lake Svityaz’ ;

c)     Ahul’s’ke Lake.
       6. What mineral resources isn’t our coutry rich in?
            a) Oil ;
            b) Gas ;
            c) Coal.
     7. What plant is the symbol of Ukraine?
           a) A sunflower ;
           b) A birch ;
         c) A snowball tree.
      8) Who was the first president of Ukraine?
           a) L. Kuchma ;
           b) V. Yushchenko ;
           c ) L. Kravchuk. 

15.04 Читати, перекладати і відповідати на запитання 
St. Sophia Cathedral was built  during  the reign of Prince  Yaroslav  to commemorate a great  victory  gained  by the Kyivets over  Pechenihy.
St. Sophia  Cathedral  suffered the destiny  of   many  structures of  Old Rus. It was ruined in 13 century  during the Tatar  invasion  and  underwent  wars  and  religious strife of many times.
Metrpolitan  Petro  Mohyla  restored the cathedral in 1633. During 17 – 18 centuries the cathedral acquired the architectural aspect which has come down to us . During this time an ensemble  of   buildings in  the style of Ukrainian  baroque  was created around  the cathedral.
The ancient  mosaic  decorations of  the  cathedral, which ornament  the principle  altar, the central dome  and  the  arches  are  of  unique  value  from the scientific  and artistic  points  of   view.
The arch of  mosaic  inlay  work was widespread  in Byzantium and further  developed in Kyiv. The artists of  11 century  created remarkable  pictures.
Most of  the ancient  frescos were covered  with latter  oil  paintings. As a result  of  research work  the original  frescos  were discovered.
The portraists  of  the  members  of the family  of   Yaroslav the Wise: his wife Iryna  and three  daughters  - Anna, Yelyzaveta, and Anastasia  are  of  considerable  interest too.Two  figures of   his young sons  have  been  preserved  on the opposite  wall of  the cathedral.
The image  of  Yaroslav   the Wise  painted  on   the western  hall  unfortunaly  has  not  been  preserved. T he  frescos of   the  two  starcase  towers depict  the life  of  Old Rus.
Also worthy  of  attention  are  the  bronze   gilded  doors  in the  western  wall  with  ornament  of   17  century  and the  filigree  carved   iconostsis  of  18 century.
The  cathedral  is of  great  cultural  value   for  Ukrainian people .  It has been declared  to be  a  state monument- museum.

Mark  true  and  false  statesments.
1.St. Sophia of   Kyiv  was built  to  commemorate  the Kyivans’  victory  over the Polianians.
2. It was ruined  many times  during  wars.
3.An ensemble  of  buildings  in the  Gothic  style was  created  during  17 - 18 centuries.
4. The  mosaic  decorations  of the  cathedral are  of  unique  value.
5. The  artists  of  11  century  developed  the art  of  mosaic  inlay work.
6. The ancient frescos  were hidden under  later  frescos.
7. The original  frescos  have not  come  down to us. 
8. The  image of  Yaroslav the Wise  was painted  on the  eastern wall.
9.The frescos of   the   towers  depict  the life   of   Old  Rus.
10. The bronze gilded doors  were  in  18 century.

22.04 Презентція "Видтний українець" 

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