27.04 Прочитати текст, перекласти його (для розуміння тексту, не письмово)
і дати відповіді на запитання
1) Which magician had a more
difficult childhood? Why?
2) Are the two magicians`
tricks similar or different?
Text A
David Copperfield
David Copperfield (1956-), the best-known illusionist of our times,
could do amazing card tricks in primary school. He didn`t have to work like
Houdini because his family was quite rich. When he was at school, he learnt
some magic tricks to impress people. At sixteen, he started teaching magic at
New York University.
In his shows in the 1980s and 1990s, he made the Statue of Liberty
disappear, walked through the Great Wall of China and levitated across the
Grand Canyon. In one show, he flew above the stage with a lady from the
audience in his arms, while thousands of amazed spectators were watching him.
Text B
The Great Houdini
Harry Houdini (1874-1926) was the most famous escape artist in the
world. He was born in Hungary but his family moved to the USA when he was four.
As a child, he had to work to help his family – he sold newspapers,
cleaned shoes, performed tricks for money. He was only nine when he gave his
first public show.
Houdini`s most famous acts were escapes. He could open locks and
handcuffs without a key. (He learnt to open locks when he couldn`t get an apple
pie from his mother`s locked cupboard!) He escaped from boxes, underwater tanks
and prisons all over the world. Once he escaped from a straitjacket when he was
hanging on a rope from a high building. Many people tried to copy him but they
couldn`t do his tricks. One man drowned when he was trying to escape from a
milk tank.
29.04 Виконати вправи
Вправа 1. Complete the
text about two other magicians with the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or
Past Continuous.
David Blaine was walking (walk) to his car when a poor man _______
(stop) him in the street and ______ (ask) for some money. Blaine ______ (take)
a one-dollar note from the man. He ________ (play) with the banknote when it
suddenly ______ (change) into a 100-dollar note.
Howard Jay ________ (ask) a young woman from the audience to be his
assistant. On stage, she _______ (hold) an empty hat when a large diamond ring
________ (appear) in it. Her boyfriend ______ (stand) up and ________ (ask) her
to marry him. The audience __________ (watch) them all the time. Fortunately,
she said, “Yes”.
Вправа 2. Complete the
sentences with had to, could, couldn`t, didn`t have to.
I`m very good at card
tricks; I ________ already do them when I was five.
I ___________ do any tricks
after I broke my finger.
I _________ give a lot of
shows to earn enough money.
I had two assistants so I
_______ do everything myself.
I __________ buy all my
equipment because magicians only use their own things.
04.05 Опрацювати текст, виконати завдання
до нього і скласти свої 5 запитань.
Pantomimes are very popular in Britain at Christmas. Most big towns and
cities have their own pantomime. This is a humorous musical play usually
performed in the open air. A pantomime is usually based on a traditional story
which everyone knows, and the show itself is very exciting, with lots of jokes,
songs and dancing. Sometimes the audience takes part in the performance, too.
The tradition began over two hundred years ago and has been a part of Christmas
celebrations ever since. At first it was merely an entertainment for children,
but now adults enjoy it as much. Of course, there have been a lot of changes
over the years. Some elements like joking and singing were added, but the basic
plot remained the same. Every pantomime must have three main characters: a
young man, a young lady and a “dame”. The first two always marry at the end,
and the dame, the comic figure, tries to prevent them from doing it. There are
all possible kinds of pantomimes and a lot of famous singers or comedians take
part in them. Thus the old tradition is enriched with modern ideas and fresh
forces, which is so typical of the British.
Choose the best sentence ending (a, b, c or d) which is true to the text
1. Pantomimes
a) are a sort of entertainment for children;
b) started not so long ago;
c) are absolutely the same in every area;
d) have the same principal characters.
2. The principal characters
a) are always played by pop singers;
b) are found in every pantomime;
c) are all comic figures for people to laugh at;
d) are always performed by famous comedians.
3. New ideas
a) bring life into old stories that the pantomimes are based on;
b) can prevent the characters from getting married;
c) make people feel sorry and sad;
d) are something pantomimes can’t do without.
4. The songs and dances in pantomimes
a) have been a part of every pantomime from the very beginning;
b) were added to please the
c) are one of those new ideas which didn’t let pantomime die;
d) have always been the funniest part of them.
06.05 Написати твір і висвітлити в ньому
всі пункти, що подані
- Imagine you are writing a letter to your American or English
friend. Tell him / her about life
of youth in Ukraine, using the following plan:
school life of an Ukrainian teenager;
extra-school activities;
Ø pastime (favourite sport, music, hobbies of young
Ø the main activities during summer holidays;
Ø youth cultures
in our country.
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