середа, 28 березня 2018 р.



Цілі уроку:
1.                   Навчити учнів говорити про мистецтво.
2.                   Практикувати учнів в обговоренні теми.
3.                   Контролювати лексико-граматичні навички у диктанті.
4.                   Контролювати мовленнєві вміння.
Освітня: розвивати знання учнів про види мистецтва, розширювати загальний кругозір.
Розвивальна: розвивати мовленнєві здібності, пам'ять, увагу, мислення учнів, розвивати вміння описувати, інтерпретувати, критично оцінювати, виражати свою думку.
Виховна: виховувати правильне ставлення до мистецтва, а також загальну культуру учнів.
Обладнання: підручник, зошит, картки, комп’ютер, картки з малюнками.
Тип уроку: розвитку мовленнєвих умінь учнів, практики в читанні, говорінні, письмі та аудіюванні.
Схематичний план уроку
1.                 Початок уроку. Організація класу. Бесіда з черговим. Повідомлення практичної мети уроку. 2 хв.
2.                 Фонетична зарядка. 2 хв.
3.                 Лексична розминка. 2 хв.
4.                 Контроль лексико – граматичних навичок. 2 хв.
5.                 Розповідь вчителя «Types of art». 4 хв.
6.                 Читання домашнього завдання. 4 хв.
7.                 Розповіді учнів про своїх улюблених художників та їх картини. 5 хв.
8.                 Складання діалогу та інсценування. 5 хв.
9.                 Пауза для релаксації. 1 хв.
10.            Опрацювання нових лексичних одиниць. 4 хв.
11.            Читання тексту. 5 хв.
12.            Робота з текстом на розуміння. 7 хв.
13.            Пояснення домашнього завдання.  1 хв.
14.            Підсумки роботи. Мотивація оцінок. 1 хв.
15.            Завершення уроку. 1 хв.

І. ПОЧАТОК УРОКУ. Організація класу. Бесіда з черговим. Повідомлення практичної мети уроку.
Мета: організувати клас на іншомовну мовленнєву діяльність.
Прийом: бесіда.
T. Good morning, friends. I’m glad to see you. How are you? I hope that everybody is fine. Who is duty today? Is anybody absent today? Why is she (he) absent? Thank you. Now let’s start our lesson. We have a lot of work to do. Today you will repeat the lexical material of the last lesson, learn new one, read and speak about art, write a dictation. And we are going to speak about  beauty of our world expressed in paintings. Hippocrates said:”Ars longa, vita brevis” which means: life is short, art is longer. Do you agree with Hippocrates? What is art?
Фонетична зарядка.
Мета: удосконалення навичок вимови, розвиток умінь аудіювання.
Методичний прийом: імітація.
T. The theme of our lesson is “Types of art”. I think the poem will help us to understand our topic clearly. (“Paint Me a Picture...” By: Donna Caraig)
Paint me a picture
Both happy and bright
That will light up my face
Both day and night
Paint me a world of make believe
Of princesses, dragons, and knights on steed
And when you are finished,
I'll know what to do
I'll take out my paintbrush and paint one for you!

Лексична розминка. Підготовка до написання диктанту, повторення лексичного матеріалу з теми «Types of art».
Мета: удосконалити навички вимови, повторити лексичний матеріал.
Методичний прийом: виконання вправи на складання речень з поданих слів.
T. Choose the most appropriate word to complete the sentences. (p.211)

Контроль лексико – граматичних навичок.
Мета: удосконалити навички правопису, проконтролювати засвоєння лексичного матеріалу.
Методичний прийом: переклад.
T. Now shut everything, be ready to check your knowledge in writing. I’ll read Ukrainian word – combinations to you. Your task is to write their English equivalents:
Художні стилі – art styles
Тенденція мистецтва – trend of art
Картина – picture
Цілком ймовірно – in all likelihood
В зв’язку з цим – in this connection
Сучасне мистецтво – modern art
Реалізм – realism
Кубізм – cubism
Абстрактне мистецтво – abstract art
Класицизм – classicism
Практика в аудіюванні. Розповідь вчителя про лист дівчинки батькам.
Мета: розвивати вміння аудіювання тексту.
Методичний прийом: розповідь.
1.            Перед текстовий етап.
Мета: зняти фонетичні, лексичні та граматичні труднощі.
Прийом: бесіда.
a)            Repeat after me: Guggenheim Museum, unique, Marc Chagall`s Green Violinist, typical Belorussian village, Chagall`s homeland .
b)           Try and guess the meaning of the words: unique, teacup, self-guided audio tours, homeland, inspired.
c)            What grammatical form is it “Tom said “I will go to the art”.” What is its name?
d)           Translate the sentence “It is Marc Chagall`s Green Violinist”.
2. Етап слухання
Мета: вмотивувати учнів на слухання і розуміння іншомовного тексту, розповісти тематичний текст.
T. Dear pupils. Now you`ll listen to the letter of a girl named Cleo to her parents and do some tasks.
Dear Mum and Dad,
I`m having a great time here in New York. Yesterday I went to the Guggenheim Museum. I think it`s the best Museum I have ever seen. I spent the whole day there. The building itself is unique. It looks like a teacup. The architect, Frank Lloyd Wright designed it as a spiral, so as you walk up the spiral walkway towards the dome, you see the famous works of art in a special light. The museum offers self-guided audio tours. There is also a great museum shop. I bought a poster there of the painting I liked most. It is Marc Chagall`s Green Violinist. Chagall painted it in oil in the 1920s.The figure of the violinist is dancing above a typical Belorussian village. Chagall`s homeland and childhood inspired many of his works of art. His villagers believe that music and dance, represented by the violinist, will bring them closer to God. I really do like his world of dreams and fantasy. I`m so glad to be here. There`s so much to do.
I`ll call you soon,
Love, Cleo
Please send my regards to Uncle John.
3. Етап контролю розуміння прослуханого
Мета: проконтролювати розуміння учнів інформації тексту.
Прийом: вправляння
Вправа 1. Say if the statements are true or false
A)         Chagall paint in oil in the 1920s.
B)         The figure of the violinist dancing above a typical Belorussian village.
C)         Chagall homeland and childhood inspired many of his works of art.
D)         I really do like his world of dreams and a fantasy.
Вправа 2. And now I want you to split into 4 groups according to the museums of 4 countries you’d like to visit.
Вправа 3. Well, children who wants to visit the Metropolitan Museum will write about Cleo`s staying in New York using the words in brackets:
A)  I……………………………………………….. (time).
B)   I ………………………………………………. (yesterday).
C)   I think ………………………………………… (the best).
D)  I ………………………………………………. (the whole day).
E)   I ………………………………………………. (poster).
Вправа 4. The students who`d like to visit the museums in London will write about the building of the museum and its services using the words in brackets:
A) The building ………………………………… ( unique ).
B) It ……………………………………………. ( teacup ).
C) The architect ………………………………… ( spiral ).
D) The museum ………………………………… ( tours ).
E) There …………………………………………. ( shop ).
Практика в читанні нового тематичного тексту.
Зняття фонетичних, лексичних та граматичних труднощів.
А) Опрацювання нових лексичних одиниць.
Мета: ознайомити учнів з вимовою та значенням нових слів.
Прийом: переклад, наочність, тлумачення.
Masterpiece, portrait, still life, landscape, seascape, foreground, background, sketch, work of art, exhibition, shades, icon, canvas.
Б) Узагальнення граматичних правил
Open your books on page 197 and change direct speech into indirect speech.
Читання тексту
Мета: удосконалювати вміння читати і розуміти інформації тексту.
Прийом: читання
T. Children, read the text “Types of art” written on the cards.
A broad classification of visual arts classifies them into different groups like painting, drawing, sculpting, architecture, printmaking, ceramics, photography, collage, digital graphics, film-making, etc. Earlier, handicrafts and applied arts were not part of this category. It was only in the beginning of 20th century that the 'Arts and Crafts Movement' (Britain) brought a lease of life to these art forms.
It is said that painting is the art of depicting the beauty of nature. For some, painting could be a medium of expressing their feelings. For few others it could be a way of depicting the surroundings they observe. Painting is basically an art of applying pigment to a surface (medium) like canvas, paper, wall, wood panel, etc. Brush is a tool commonly used for painting. There are many different forms of painting. Landscape painting and abstract painting are the common. Classification of painting as per different criteria is given below.
A sculpture is a three-dimensional artwork created with the help of materials like rocks, wood, plastic, clay, etc. Carving out a sculpture and assembling it are the 2 different ways. In some cases, sculptures may also be painted. The different types of sculptures are described below.
Free-standing Sculpture: This kind of sculpture is referred to as 'in the round' and it can be viewed from different angles.
Light Sculpture: This form of sculpture created from light is also known as light art. The fusion of modern art with creative use of artificial lights has led to the development of light art.
Sound Sculpture: It is a form of artwork in which sound is produced. Maryanne Amacher, Dennis Bathory-Kitsz, Alexander Calder and Harry Bertoia were amongst notable artists in this field.
Relief: In this form of sculpture, artworks are raised from a plane at which the base or main work is presented. Such artworks are generally observed on the walls of historic buildings. Stone and wood are the materials used for these sculptures. Chiseling the surface to create a raised sculpture is a tedious job involved in making these sculptures.
Jewelry Making: There are many different shapes carved out of precious stones, metals, shells, etc. to make jewelry items.
New Age Visual Arts
The new age arts are a product of industrial revolution. Development of technology leads to use of different techniques for creating these artworks. Photography is one such art to have developed with the invention of camera and photographic film.
In the art of photography, pictures or images are created with the help of different light patterns. These light patterns when emitted or reflected from the surface of objects are captured on a sensitive medium (earlier times) or storage chips (nowadays). Lens of a camera plays an important part in capturing images. The lens helps focus the light emitted from the object to be photographed.
Digital Art
The digital or computer art is widely used in creating websites, video games, clip arts, templates etc. Use of computer in the field of visual arts began in the 1960s. In today's digital art industry, animation is the buzzword. Use of 3D animation techniques is made in many different fields like filmmaking, TV advertising, web advertising, etc. Digital technology has given a boost to the art industry since newer and innovative tools have been developed.
The topic of visual arts is vast and a rough outline of different forms of these arts is presented above. Many other art forms like literature and performing arts are however, not included. The brief account of different types of art presented above should help readers gain a better understanding of them.
Контроль розуміння прочитаного. Робота з текстом на розуміння.
Мета: контроль розуміння прочитаного тексту.
Прийом: виконання різноманітних вправ.
Вправа 1. Of course, we can’t take all kinds of art in one lesson, so today we’ll consider: painting, graphic art, sculpture, arts and crafts. Look at the board, please. Answer, what is this type of art?
Вправа 2. Say if the statement true or false.
1.     It was only in the 19th century.
2.     A sculpture is a two-dimensional artwork created with the help of materials.
3.     This form of sculpture created from light is also known as light arts.
4.     Stone and wood are the materials used for historic buildings.
5.     Photography is one such art to have developed with the invention of camera.
Вправа 3. Answer the question.
1.    Are you interested in art? What art in particular?
2.    Painting and sculpture are visual arts, aren`t they? Which of them do you think is more exciting for you?
3.    What world-famous artists do you know / like?
4.    Who is your favourite painter? Why?
5.    What schools of art do you know?
6.    Which of the two genres – portrait or landscape painting –attracts you more?
7.    Do you know any well-known portraitists / landscapists?
8.    Many artists produced pictures of scenes at sea. Can you say that Aivazovskyi was a famous seascapist? Do you know any names of his pictures?
9.    Do you know any British museums?
10.  Do you ever go to picture galleries and art museums?
11.  What important picture galleries and art museums do you know in Ukraine and abroad?
Практика в монологічному мовленні. Розповіді учнів про совї захоплення.
Мета: проконтролювати вміння складати монологічні висловлювання.
Прийом: висловлювання учнів.
T. I think it’s time to start our stories about your favorite type of art. Who wants to be the first?

Практика в діалогічному мовленні. Складання діалогів та їх інсценування.
Мета: проконтролювати сформованість діалогічних умінь з теми.
Прийом: спілкування.
T. Pupils, you know a lot of different types of art. Now let’s play in pairs. Imagine that you met a artist in gallery. Ask what he is doing there, where is he from. (Look at the example at p.220) Compose dialogues of your own.
And now I want to show you a presentation about art galleries in Ukraine.
Пауза для релаксації.
Мета: надати учням відпочинок.
Прийом: перегляд відео.
T. You have done a lot today; you may some rest, look to this beautiful video.
Практика в читанні. Читання тексту домашнього завдання.
Мета: проконтролювати сформованість в учнів умінь читати іншомовний текст з повним його розумінням, виконувати вправи за змістом тексту.
Прийом: читання, виконання завдань.
T. So let’s check up your home task p.227

Пояснення домашнього завдання.
Мета: зняти труднощі у виконанні домашнього завдання, вмотивувати учнів на роботу вдома.
T. So your home task will be: to retell the text “Unforgettable Impressions”  on p.215 and do tasks on p.244.

Підсумки роботи. Мотивація оцінок
T. Thank you for your active work. I’m satisfied with your answers today. You get the following marks.
Завершення уроку.

T. Stand up. See you next time.

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